I got permission to use this and other images from Galactic-voyage.com
Wesklethcreshoskmernesk trillosk trillherfesk Senthtrillaurekresh Weskaurekreshsenth Creshlesthuskbeshsenth! (Welcome to the Star Wars Clubs!)
(Language in Aurebesh)
Here is where all fellow STAR WARS fans can gather to either
chat, share information, and role-play. This wiki is entirely dedicated to the Star Wars trilogies.
Star Wars Fanfiction Poems:
(if you have any of your own I'll be glad to put it up for you)
Star Wars Fanfiction Stories and Idea Sharing:
(if you have any of your own and would like to share them, I'll put them up for you. Send me the story in a PM and I'll put it up in your very own wiki)
.::Star Wars Fanfiction Idea Sharing::.
.::Darth Illatris' Star Wars Fanfiction::.(being worked on at the current moment)